
Python girl (she/her), straight, 22yo
The astronomer, loves everything about the space, even have shes own big telescope.
She is very protective and caring partner. Loves to cuddle


Cobra girl (she/her), bi, 27yo
Buisness woman. Loves to visit gym and art galleries.
She will cook an awesome food and bring some good vine for a candlelit dinner
designed by @Cit_Juice


Hognose girl (she/her), bi, 19yo
An archaeology student
Playful, will do anything to make a partner smile. Absolutely love the attention and hugs.


Python boi (he/him), bi, 22yo
An artist
Sit at home 90% of the time, really busy, but love to hang out on rock concerts (he loves to slam af) and parties
really cares about his friends and partner, love physical contact and cuddles
He is also have a Yokai Demon form